torsdag 25 september 2014

Lucifer är hemma =)

Svarteprinsen har idag fått komma hem igen. Han mår bättre och kommer nu att få specialfoder tillsvidare och smärtstillande i 5-7 dagar. På tisdag blir det återbesök och då får vi se provresultat och vad vi eventuellt ska göra mer långsiktigt. Lucifer själv tar dock det hela med ro.

*Bilden är gammal men han har inte ändrats nämnvärt 

2 kommentarer:

  1. He is a beautiful boy. I am very glad he is feeling better.
    Both of our cats are black - but a sleek rather than a fluffy black. And Lucifer could be (should be?) Jazz's middle name. And he is much loved anyway.

    1. Yes, he sure is, and a charmer. Last time he was at the hospital, he wanted to stay and cuddle with the nurses. This time, the first thing the vet said to me was "Oh, what a lovely cat"

      I actually didn't name him, he came into my life when he was three years old. his former owners told me that "He just is a Lucifer". I agree, sometimes I call "Busifer" ("Bus" is mischief in swedish, and sound the same as Luc in Lucifer when pronounced in Swedish).


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